Thursday, 31 March 2011

On lost gifts

First, the best way to get gifts is from Facebook gift page, so always accept from there first.

However, when that list is empty, but Castle Age main page or army page shows you have gifts, go to army page, if not there already. In there, you see these gifts, but instead of clicking accept all or accept, right click on ignore, copy the link, paste the link in address bar, but do not hit enter! Replace ignore with acpt (in the link) then hit enter. That way you will accept the gift.

Oh, and when you want to send a gift to a certain friend but their name won't appear on the all friends list, you or you friend have unreceived gifts from each other. In that case, you also have to do this.

This is how the right-click menu looks like on Firefox. It says copy link address in Google Chrome and Opera, and copy shortcut in Internet Explorer.

The link you then paste to the addree bar looks like this:

When you have pasted it, do not hit enter! You have to change it to:

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Some might say

Pringles: You don't have Exsanguinator?
Pringles: If you want Exsanguinator, it's very easy to get considering its strength. In guild monsters, the only sensible class to be is rogue.
Estrella: I'm being whatever Lay's says.
Pringles: Usually 20,000 damage to Baby Vincent will get you two epics, and it is the maximum you can get.
Estrella: We're not doing Vincents, Cheetos says the loot's naff in return for what you have to invest.
Pringles: Lay's can command you in guild battles, but in guild monsters, it is only sensible to be a rogue. Our guild does not have Cheetos, and we do Vincents regularly. Exsanguinator is shitloads easier to get than Hellblade, Stormcrusher or Staff of Jahanna. I just don't understand your guild.
Estrella: Leave my guild alone!! ;) LOL
Pringles: Yes, I spent 250 stamina making 58,500 damage to Baby Vincent, but it gives me more than good chance to get 2 epics, whilst to get a fair chance to get 2 epics from all recent monsters, you have to spend at least 1,000 stamina.
Estrella: I thought they were based on damage (except the dragons and other sta monsters).
Pringles: They are based on damage. But you still need stamina to do damage, not pigeon poop.
Estrella: Or attack.
Pringles: Or attack, yes, but still stamina too. And attack only decides if you win or lose, but not how much damage you make.
Estrella: Good, I wasn't planning on pooping on Vincent.

Some time later

Pringles: I have 11 Exsanguinators. If I get some tonight, I will tell you that. Also, I ask your permission to put that conversation to my blog, names changed, and irrelevant talk cut out.
Estrella: Don't forget to write that the girl you were talking to was incredibly beautiful, intelligent and articulate... Did I forget talented, knowledgeable and modest too?

I didn't get the Exsaguinator, but I got the Swarm of Darkness, which I also have 11 of

On duels, it's of course better to have Heart of the Woods and Divine Blast, but on invades and wars, Vincent loot is always handy. Plus the Swarm of Darkness is the best obtainable spell in the game, if you haven't been or done good in arenas and are not able to achieve 30 to 50 million in Convirtheus repeatedly.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

On the Tower of Transcendence

The ultimate goal in Tower of Transcendence is to unlock Agamemnon, who can not be summoned under monsters tab. From Agamemnon you can get pieces to combine Aegis of the Kings, the best shield in the game. Also, you can get a weapon and a helmet, which are stronger than the Exsanguinator and the Helm of Dragon Power, and a glove slightly weaker than Gauntlet of Fire.

If you don't have divine items, like Force of Nature (get ingredient from Jahanna), please don't fight Agamemnon, because Agamemnon has divine armor, it will prevent 1/3 damage. Only items with divine power can remove the armor power.

If you have joined another player's Agamemnon and have defeated it, the summon button on the boss floor of your own tower will appear. However, the game will not allow you to summon Agamemnon if you have not unlocked his floor yet. So don't believe the rumours.

Clicking the summon button on any other floor will summon one of the four monsters in that rank. You cannot choose which one. That means you can get unlucky and summon the dame monster over and over again. Festival monsters have a cooldown period in which you cannot summon another.

Festival monsters do not show up on your keep. They are found in festival monster list. You can get the link by right-clicking on engage and copying the link location. Getting the link from the battle by clicking call to arms button and copying the link (in blue) will result in helping link, regardless of you not publishing. The &action=doObjective in the link makes the link to help launch weapons.

It may be wise to not CTA too soon. You can request no CTAs until a given time, you can set damage limit. If the monster is not critical, please let everyone to do the required amount to get the points. The requirements are posted here (some data may be missing).

Points at a given rank count only within the rank. For example, if the highest you have unlocked is silver rank, fighting bronze rank monsters will earn you points in bronze rank, fighting gold rank monsters will earn you points in gold rank - when you unlock gold, the points are waiting.

Festival may not be necessarily worth it. If you really think about it, Aegis of the Kings' total attack is only 7 points higher that of the Sword of Redemption and total defence is 10 points higher, whereas our total attack is 100% attack skill + 70% defence skill + 100% general's attack + 70% general's defence + 100% weapons' attack + 70% weapons' defence; the same in reverse for defence. If, for example, your total attack is 1,750; will 7 points really change that much?

Then again, it is fun, and an achievement within the game. Besides, if you hunt monsters anyway, no real difference between festival and regular monsters, since loot is the same.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

To create a CA account

When one does start a monster hunter account, one can add attack and defence, just note my recommendation - first goal: 300 stamina and defence, second goal: 600 stamina and defence. Or in any case, equal.

Why those numbers? If one has 288 of both resources, it takes 24 hours to grow back. If one has 576, it takes 48 hours, so one can be away for two days and not waste anything. And round numbers are just cooler. If one's monster hunter account is not specific to defence or attack, equal amounts rule. If one has 100 stamina and 400 energy, one's stamina refills in 8 hours 20 minutes, but one's energy is only 25% refilled, and it looks horrible. And if one is away 33 hours 20 minutes, one's energy has refilled, but one has wasted stamina.

And one can be given a link which gives one 20 FPs as a welcome gift. One has 20 FPs at the start, and another 20 makes one have 40 FPs. However, it is recommended to start thinking about refills when one has 200+ resources, otherwise it feels like a waste. I mean refill 48 stamina - can't one just wait 4 hours? One sleeps longer than that, so it's like paying for stuff one would get free during the night. Yes, it is true that any amount of stamina is free if one is patient enough, but monsters do not flee in four to ten hours, but they do in four to ten days.

With 40 FPs at the start, one is wiser to buy a monthly of one's choice. I consider the following useful:

Scarlett: 6% income boost (Mercedes has 5%, but the larger the income, the valuable the 1%)

Solara: transfers 20% max energy to max stamina on skillpoint value (2 energy for 1 stamina)

Godric: +20 max energy

Barbarus: threefold hits (both attacks and defendings use 3x the resource, and hit 3x as hard)

Maalvus: Same power as Barbarus, but with +3% critical

Deshara: +40 additional damage as rogue upon guild victory

Critical boosting generals are junk. All general have base critical of 10%, and generals with player attack bonus seem to increase that.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Facebook is more important than gravity

A new study in the UK has just revealed that six out of every ten British youths ranks the invention of Facebook more important than the apple-induced revelation by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg beat loads of other world changers like Martin Luther King Jr. and Albert Einstein in the poll which surveyed 1,000 Brits under the age of 25. The only person to top the young billionaire was fellow tech tycoon Bill Gates whose 11.4% of the vote edged out Zuck’s 9.1%.

Small World News Service

Friday, 4 March 2011

Inconviniences in Facebook

Facebook has a habit to put "#!" at the end of URLs, so ends up being!/contentyouneed. More often than never, it actually prevents you from seeing the content you need, and often manually deleting "blahblahblah#!" helps. Sadly, not always, so you end up knowing someone commented your post, you keep clicking that notification, even go to your profile, still you can't see it.

And if you do not like the new theatre viewing of photos, you need to delete "&theatre". It is annoying when all of a sudden you have a big black square in your screen, at least for me. And if the attempt was to create some sort of fullscreen mode, sorry, it goes only as wide as Facebook main frame goes. Is it like 800 pixels? My screen has 1920 in width, so it looks ugly. Theatre mode should go as wide as user's resolution, and it should be optional, not mandatory.

To illustrate both cases, here's an URL:¬if_t=like#!/photo.php?fbid=1251688946308&set=a.1251685266216.31247.1652061947&theater

See? And that "set=blahblahblah" is not really needed either, so the above URL can be shortened to this:

Thursday, 3 March 2011


Ma ei huvitu poliitikast. Aga ma olen kuulnud, et Savisaar on paha-paha. Arvan, et inimesi, kes identifitseeruvad antud posti kahe esimese lausega, on küllalt. Siiski, ma ei luba endal laskuda nõnda madalale, et ilma midagi teadmata hakata kuulutama, et Savisaar on pede. Jah, oma silmaga näinud, et keegi just nii ütleb.

Oma väheste teadmistega oman Savisaarest pisut põhjendatult negatiivset arvamust. Kui majanduskriis oli popp termin, süüdistas Savisaar ülemaailmses majanduskriisis pisikese Eesti pisikest Ansipit. Ja kuigi tänaseks on ehk inimesed, kes Internetis kolavad, oma hääle juba e-valimistel andnud – mina näiteks olen – toon teieni paar lõiku sellest, mis Savisaar mulle kirjutas. Miks olen Keskerakonna meililistis? Sõber saatis mulle Edgari jõulukaardi, ja ma pole end listist huvi tõttu kustutanud. Mina ei tea täpselt, kes meile kirjutab, kuid alla on kirjutanud Savisaar:

Käisin hiljuti Soomes ja nägin oma silmaga, kui pungil on laevad Eesti inimestest. Enamik neist ei sõida aga ostu- ega puhkusereisile. Inimesed käivad laevaga Soomes tööl, sest kodumaa neid enam ei vaja. /---/ Eesti ajaloos 1944. aasta „Suure põgenemisena tuntud“ sõja jalust lahkumine viis meilt 60-70 tuhat inimest. Praeguste ränkade majanduskriisi aastatega on Eesti kaotanud umbes samas suurusjärgus rahvast. /---/ Ansipi võimu jätkumisel võid olla kindel, et Eesti rahvaarvu langus kiireneb veelgi.

Need kaks lauset ja nende taustalaused panevad mõtlema. Muidugi, jah, Savisaar oskab rahvale ajupesu teha, need argumendid on kergesti usutavad. Kuid siiski, inimesed sõidavad välismaale kas töötama või lausa elama, sest miinimumpalk on seal kõrgem kui meie keskmine palk. Ja see viimane lause – kas Savisaar hakkab lapsi tegema?

Ka teine kiri õhutab neid valima, kuid veelgi loogilisemate argumentidega:

Varem või hiljem peame ikkagi vaatama Eestis valitsevale olukorrale silma ja otsustama koos, mida teha, et oma riik taas õigele teele juhtida. Kui ka Sina usud, et aeg on viimane midagi ette võtta endiselt kõrge tööpuudusega, ülejõu käivate maksude ja hindadega, siis liitu valimistel nendega, kes nõuavad muudatusi.

Ma millegipärast ei usu, et kõik teised erakonnad arvavad, et Eestil läheb erakordselt hästi, ning et las see tööpuudus olla, ega see kedagi ju ometi ei sega.

Minu poliitikakauge arusaam on muide, et jättes kõrvale megaedukad väikeriigid nagu Šveits, on näiteks Ühendriikide hea elu põhjuseks suur territoorium. Kui mingi ettevõte lööb läbi, siis ta lööb kohe väga massiivselt. Tänu hästiarenenud infrastruktuurile transporditakse nänni igale poole laiali, kõigele leidub ostja. Ja kui Eestis on mitmetuhandene tiraaž hea näitaja, siis seal müüakse sama kaupa miljoneis. Ja nemad on olnud iseseisvad kümme korda kauem kui meie. Tänu suurele kasumile saavad nad lubada endale meie silmis ehk mõttetuid töökohti, nagu parkija (pargib autosid), tervitaja (tervitab poodi sisenejaid ja vastab küsimustele) ja kotipoiss (laob ostja kaubad ostukottidesse). Samas on need töökohad siiski inimeste elu hõlbustamiseks, mitte nagu Keskerakonna andeks, kuid mõtlema hakates magedas, reklaamis.

Ja andke andeks, mis lause on Valige Keskerakond ja tööpuudus likvideeritakse? Mis see on nagu N-Liidus väidetavalt oli, et sind suunatakse tööle, tahad või ei taha?

Wednesday, 2 March 2011