Sunday, 31 October 2010

Let's sue, it's everybody's fault but mine!

We all know that walking and texting is a tough combination, but a Staten Island teen learned the hard way when she fell into an uncovered sewer manhole while trying to send a message.

Now, the family of Alexa Longueira, 15, intends to sue.

The girl suffered a fright and some scrapes on her arms back after she dropped into the hole on Victory Boulevard.

"It was four or five feet, it was very painful. I kind of crawled out and the DEP guys came running and helped me," Longueria told the Staten Island Advance.. "They were just, like, 'I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

For its part, the Department of Environmental Protection said its workers had turned away briefly to grab some cones when the incident occurred.


The family said they will file a lawsuit. For what, though, is not immediately clear. Her mother, Kim Longueira, said it doesn't matter that her daughter was walking and texting, and also, the "gross" factor that can't be ignored.

"Oh my God, it was putrid," she said. "One of her sneakers is still down there"


What? Why? How?

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Make handbook not housework

There was a handbook about housework in the sixties, mainly for women. A snippet from this book:

You have to remember that you have to prepare for your husband coming home from work every day. Prepare the children, wash them up, comb them, and clothe them in ceremonial clothes. Children have to line up, and greet the father, when he comes in from the door. Put on a clean apron, and try to make yourself pretty - tie a ribbon on your head, for example. Do not start a conversation with your husband, remember that he is very tired, and he needs to go to work every day for you. Feed him quietly, and only when he is done with the newspaper may you try to talk to him.

There is also some advice to men:

After the sexual act you have to let your wife to go to the bathroom, but there is no need to go after her. Let her be alone, as she might want to cry.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Happy birthday!

Once upon a time there was a battle in Castle Age. A friend asked me to help with 168-hour monster which had only four players. Now, it had 100 hours left, but I deemed it hopeless. I will explain the reason later. Since she was my good friend, and explained the situation with more words than just plz hlp, I did a CTA. I choose not to join at first, but when I saw hope, I joined. The thing is, in that CTA I wrote something along the lines of it seems pretty hopeless, but maybe we can do it.

It seems that the girl was still mad at me for deeming it hopeless. She threw that in my face. And of course, as always, people unload their bad feelings about me, and then come up with excuses not to hear my explanations. Her's was that it was her weekend, and she wanted not to spoil it with further discussions. Well, why the fuck not? Did she ever think that it might have hurt my feelings when she accused me of cocky ignorance when I knew it wasn't that?

A little explanation I managed to do, was, and I quote: I operate on logic, and if I see a battle with mathematical tendency to fail, I say my opinion. You seem to miss the point - I did not post to show that it was pointless and you fail as a human, I posted because you asked me to help, and since you were in my army, I wanted to see if I could. She was not satisfied with that. And I did not have the chance to explain my logic.

It’s very simple. The basis of Castle Age is mathematics. 168, which is the given time for big monsters, divided by 2, is 84. That means 50% of 168 is 84. That leads to the deduction that if the monster has 84 hours left, or 50% time, and the fighters have not done 50% damage by far, meaning they have done about 30% or less, it is certain that if the current damage rate continues, the monster would not be defeated. In numbers, at 0% time there would be 60% damage (in case of 30% damage by 50% time). Everything in between is mere change of numbers, like when the monster has 30% of time, it is needed for 70% damage to be done. Since siege weapons still do damage, not carrots, they are included by default.

I admit it is possible that when a 168-hour monster has 3 hours left, and only 35% damage has been made, but it has 3 high tier spots left, three slayers with 2,000 attack and some favour points join, and finish the monster. It is called luck. I have seen the mentioned situation with my own eyes. But I think that while hoping for some luck is reasonable, counting on a shitload of luck is straight out moronic. And that is why I do not join monsters I deem hopeless.

Concerning that Ragnarok – it had 4 players, and if no one, or a few, had joined, it would have failed. I felt it was my duty to warn people that it may fail.

And, believe or not, there are people to whom that whole post did not give any new information... Since they had figured it all out themselves.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Having no life vs. resposibility

Peeter: Hey, dude. You're a mage. You failed to deflect. Twice.
Justos Humanos: =(=(
Peeter: That's it. I'm not joining any of your battles. And you know... I consider kicking you out of MWA. I don't think you know how to play.
Justos Humanos: lol. eu fico rindo de comedias como voce que a vida eh so jogo. nego sem vida social. aprende a jogar e para de gastar dinheiro com jogo. sai do armario.
Peeter: I don't speak Spanish, but if you think drinking with friends in more important that your own battle... Learn some responsibility, you are the summoner of this mess.
Justos Humanos: spanish? uhauhauhauhuhauha. portuguese -.-"
Peeter: well, do not speak that either.
Justos Humanos: reponsabilidade lol aprende deixe de ser criança. (Google: responsibly lol learn to stop being a kid)
Peeter: You are now kicked out of MWA.
Justos Humanos: fodas usa um tradutor. lol MWA = bosta. nunca me serviu para nada. (Google: MWA = crap, I never had no effect)
Peeter: Yes, yes, you are supercool.
Justos Humanos: que nada. so nao sou um nerd que vive no pc como voce. (Google: nothing. so I'm not a nerd who lives in the pc like you.)
Peeter: You summoned a monster. You are the most responsible. Go and drink with you friends, but do not summon monsters.
Justos Humanos: lol. responsabilidade eh de todos. voce garotinho criado com vo. isso eh um jogo acho que a vida de todos devem rodear isso deixa de ser mela saco.
Peeter: me chamam de nerd, mas desculpe, você falhou. sua convocação, sob sua responsabilidade. não se trata de ser um nerd, que é sobre assumir a responsabilidade por suas ações.

What I said was, and I checked, it was close enough to what I meant:

call me a nerd, but sorry, you failed. convene the meeting under its responsibility. not about being a nerd, it's about taking responsibility for their actions.

Never said machines translate perfectly, but he said nothing to this. Maybe he thought he could get away with calling me mild names, and was stunned by the invention of Google.

Also, I forgot to mention that he attacked when party health was way down. The others were healing their asses of, and not attacking, but he just didn't care.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Dreaming of a queen

I dedicate this post to all who drool for Lotus as a general.

Peeter: You got 3 criticals out of 6 hits. What general were you using?
Erin: Edea, cause I was questing with her :P
Peeter: Thank you. Edea has no critical bonus, and I'm trying to prove to my friend that heroes without critical are not that different from those with critical.
Peeter: Someone claimed all heroes have 10% chance of critical. When you think about it, 10% or 13%... Not that much difference. Certainly not worth shitload of money to waste on monthlies or chests.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Zero tolerance is not always bad

Alright, this disappointment is from a battle chat:

Bridgestone: Activity bars get filled via number of players in that tier, not their damage.
Lucy: What is the basis of your claim?
Bridgestone: Experience in Bahamut battles.
Lucy: Bridgestone, it may have happened. Just as it may start to rain when you clap your hands 14 times. Doesn't mean it is always so.
Opel Astra: No reason to be a smart ass about it, Lucy.
Carrot Paradise: Lucy, I would appreciate no more comments. My battles have always been FUN!

So I chose sarcasm as my tactics? That aside, I made an analogy to help to understand the situation. I'm sorry, but I tend to get defensive when someone claims something that is not true. And I don't think it is fun when wrong claims are not reacted upon.

Alright, we seemingly had the same number of top tier players, yet the bar moved rapidly, while not much, if any, attackers were added. Fine, we can test this theory, somebody be the test bunny. The said bunny will summon, top tier will tag, and then we'd see if the bar is filled.

Anyway, not needed, Castle Age help says The bonus reward bars will fill up as the different level ranges perform damage during the battle. Wiki adds:

(The numbers are based on approximations, and should not be considered accurate at this time. If you can help us determine what the numbers truly are, please help us on this page's discussion page)

Level 1-49: 2.5 million
Level 50-99: 5 million
Level 100-149: 25 million
Level 150+: ??? (30 million?)

It says ? because wiki is edited by kind and sharing people. And if this is your clever argument, that wiki is edited by people, well, it has a very simple counterclaim - "As opposed to what? Encyclopaedia Britannica, which is edited by monkeys?".

And more intelligent counterclaim - "Wiki has free access, anyone can edit, but, it also means that if someone adds complete rubbish, there are people who will remove it.". It is not like if someone claims the Earth is flat, it is going to stay there.

We have had polite and intelligent discussions with Carrot Paradise. If she defriends me after my current post, who's childish?


Lucy: Well... I've been chain attacked by some people in this battle. I guess you are really hurt by me using sarcasm. However, I was not wrong. What FUN did I spoil? Correcting erroneous claims is spoiling fun, ergo stupidity is fun?