Monday, 4 October 2010

Having no life vs. resposibility

Peeter: Hey, dude. You're a mage. You failed to deflect. Twice.
Justos Humanos: =(=(
Peeter: That's it. I'm not joining any of your battles. And you know... I consider kicking you out of MWA. I don't think you know how to play.
Justos Humanos: lol. eu fico rindo de comedias como voce que a vida eh so jogo. nego sem vida social. aprende a jogar e para de gastar dinheiro com jogo. sai do armario.
Peeter: I don't speak Spanish, but if you think drinking with friends in more important that your own battle... Learn some responsibility, you are the summoner of this mess.
Justos Humanos: spanish? uhauhauhauhuhauha. portuguese -.-"
Peeter: well, do not speak that either.
Justos Humanos: reponsabilidade lol aprende deixe de ser criança. (Google: responsibly lol learn to stop being a kid)
Peeter: You are now kicked out of MWA.
Justos Humanos: fodas usa um tradutor. lol MWA = bosta. nunca me serviu para nada. (Google: MWA = crap, I never had no effect)
Peeter: Yes, yes, you are supercool.
Justos Humanos: que nada. so nao sou um nerd que vive no pc como voce. (Google: nothing. so I'm not a nerd who lives in the pc like you.)
Peeter: You summoned a monster. You are the most responsible. Go and drink with you friends, but do not summon monsters.
Justos Humanos: lol. responsabilidade eh de todos. voce garotinho criado com vo. isso eh um jogo acho que a vida de todos devem rodear isso deixa de ser mela saco.
Peeter: me chamam de nerd, mas desculpe, você falhou. sua convocação, sob sua responsabilidade. não se trata de ser um nerd, que é sobre assumir a responsabilidade por suas ações.

What I said was, and I checked, it was close enough to what I meant:

call me a nerd, but sorry, you failed. convene the meeting under its responsibility. not about being a nerd, it's about taking responsibility for their actions.

Never said machines translate perfectly, but he said nothing to this. Maybe he thought he could get away with calling me mild names, and was stunned by the invention of Google.

Also, I forgot to mention that he attacked when party health was way down. The others were healing their asses of, and not attacking, but he just didn't care.

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