However, and this is the part why the sisters* hate me, this rule of theirs was not the most effective... "in my opinion". Level numbers are overrated. For example, let's say two players never quest. They are level 200, meaning 1000 skill points. One puts 400 on attack, and 400 on stamina. The other spreads points equally, putting 200 on attack and stamina. P1 has now 400 attack, and 200 stamina, P2 has 200 attack, and 100 stamina. Theoretically, P1 does twice as much damage as P2. So, I think setting a level limit is less effective than to put damage limit.
In short, level number is not necessarily relevant. And I feel very strongly about this, as I have 500 defence, which means I have enormously small attack compared to others at level 360. Okay, facts. My attack is 263; my friend's attack is 400+, and he is level 241.
The rule of "250 and below" can be heavily abused. In extreme example, if someone really wants, that someone can make an account, never play except to pray, and boom!, in three years - level 1 player with 200 stamina and 750 attack.
And now, especially to those who constantly bash me for having this useless, worthless, utter scum, otherwise known as defence. Firstly, my comment on the topic:
And to answer the second question... People with brains do need defence when attacking. At least in monsters with party health, defence, or shield. You do know that your attacks have a bigger amount of points when your attack is bigger? Well, no reason to think defence points are related to the amount of pigeon poop on the roof... Sorry, I have no proof, but rumour has it, there's a secret threshold, where your defence amount gets considerably better. Azriel's is supposedly 300.
You could say, with tears of ever so sweet love in your eyes, that you, the "attacker", have me, the "defender", but the truth is, you can't do anything without defence.
When you go to a snowball fight, it is most probably cold outside. You need to have a good throwing arm, but you also need to defend your body against cold. Normal people have clothes for defence against cold. But if you're going outside with your arms stretched out, and say to me: "I chose to have no clothes, cover my naked body with yours"... How gay are you?
And also, the proof (but I'm sure disbelievers will not start believing), in a form of message log:
1 second ago:
Peeter cast deflection on the party for a considerable amount of [50,968] points points!
13 seconds ago:
Peeter cast deflection on the party for a massive amount of [121,555] points!
6 minutes, 28 seconds ago:
Jolla cast deflection on the party for a minimal amount of [9,119] points!
6 minutes, 40 seconds ago:
Jolla cast deflection on the party for an adequate amount of [18,358] points!
I'm not bragging. Please tell me how much energy you used and what is your defence?
My defence is just a couple points shy of 200 right now. The first one was for 20 energy and the 2nd was for 10.
Thank you. My first was for 40 and the second was 20, and it seems it was not fully used. I have read rumours that there is a threshold where your defending ability gets better. Whether it's true or not, I wanted proof that high defence matters. I have 503 defence, and for the same amount of energy, I did deflect much more.
Thank you, you were helpful. And Gehenna is deflected.
Yes, the rumours are true. There are 3 thresholds that I know of. The first is at 200, once you reach it your defending ability will basically double on serpent battles. The next is at 400, I believe, and gives severe boost for the smaller world battles like Dark Legions. I don't know where the 3rd is but it is for everything else. Sadly there aren't any for attack (mine's just over 1200). I'm heavily built for PvP so I tend not to defend for much in monster battles, defence and energy are my 2 lowest stats (not counting health). The only monsters I do well on are hydras.
What's your source?
[A name] is the only one I can remember off the top of my head but I have heard it from many people. Most of which are well above your and my level.
Monday at 10:11 · Like
*they know who they are